Current Course Offerings

  • All Amharic I, Amharic II, Tigrigna I, and Tigrigna II classes are now open for registration.

    All “Level I” Courses are designed to enable students to verbally communicate (listen and speak), while “Level II” Courses are designed to help students to read and write. Each “Level I” and “Level II” Courses are provided over a period of 30 hours.


    All prospective students must register for instruction by filling out the form below and submitting their complete, non-refundable payment to Ethio-Paralegal services per the instructions they receive via email after completing the registration form.

    Prospective students are advised to check their calendars in advance to make sure they can commit to the 30 hours of the class. Make-up or replacement classes are not offered, so it is the responsibility of the student alone to cover any material that he or she may have missed. There are no refunds for absences.

    One complete, 30-hour course costs. It will be provided 2 days a week and a minimum of 2:30 hours a day

    * One student  = $750.00

    * Two or more students -= $ 700:00 each

    That payment covers the cost of your instruction and electronic textbooks, which students must print out on their own.

    There are no hidden administrative or additional costs beyond the stated tuition amount.

    For that reason, all payments should be submitted by personal check or Money Order only at this time. Upon completion of your online registration form below, a member of EPS’ staff will be in contact with you via email with further information on your confirmed class schedule, class location, and how best to submit tuition payment in advance of your first class meeting.